We offer Core Value Therapy (CVT) training first designed by David Nancarrow in 2007.
A brief on the Therapy: CVT is ideal for anger management and emotional regulation. The therapy involves discovering your core value. This lifts peoples overall self-esteem and self-awareness. The most effective way to identify your clients core value is to ask your client to describe a problem in their life, something that made them anger, hurt or offended them. Whilst listening to them describe this situation focus on how they talk about the problem. What value words did they use? Don’t focus on the circumstances so much, but focus more on how they describe the circumstances. The more you listen to your client the more you will hear them use powerful value words.
Some of the value words you hear may take some adjustment for you as the practitioner to consider their importance. Ask yourself what really explains the client’s anger, mental distress or reason they don’t wish to live anymore? What value words do they keep repeating? The ultimate aim is to help your client discover their core value for themselves.
The interesting part is we assume the client hears their own value words. Some values are identified by the client, but these are sub-values. They are in their conscious mind and come and go depending on the situation. However the core value is at their centre and filters and interprets everything that happens to them. It is hidden from them at a subconscious level. Over the last ten years trialling this therapeutic approach clients overall do not hear themselves use their core value to describe how they feel. Pointing out the core value to clients is not ideal, if they can discover it for themselves it provides a greater self-awareness and understanding on the source of their anger or mental distress.
Clients report a greater ability to emotional regulate, greater self-awareness, improved self-esteem and mental health. All this from understanding their core value is quite remarkable.
Core Values Therapy
Book available for purchase from Group Work Solutions.
For more information on CVT and training dates around Australia visit
Father Inclusive training – this training helps organisations improve the ways they engage with fathers.
Domestic Violence Training – for professionals in the community better understand the ways to operate a domestic violence groups or individual sessions.
Mental Health and Wellbeing training for the workplace.
If your company or organisation is wanting to improve your overall mental health and wellbeing then the ‘A New Mind Set’ is ideal in educating staff about the difference of mental health and mental illness. The workshops are aimed at de-stigmatizing mental health issues. Mental Health issues are when the brain is not functioning correctly such as rushing, making a lot of mistakes, overly repeating yourself or forgetting important information. Mental Health can also refer to the mood the person is in whether happy low agitated or angry. These things can greatly impact the workplace efficiency and effectiveness.
The ‘A New Mind Set’ assists staff in discovering new ways of improving their mental health and wellbeing.
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